Defensible space for homeowners is becoming a point of sale especially for homes in Northstar. Below is information about defensible space including what the rules are for homeowners and who to contact to make sure your property meets the requirements. Click on the links below for more info.
Helpful Links for Understanding Defensible Space
Ordinance Regarding Northstar Defensible Space
Recommended Defensible Space Contractors
Below is a list of recommended contractors for defensible space. Click on the link to view additional contractors & the Northstar 2010 Approved Defensible Space Contractor List.
Alpine Yard Care (530) 550-0623 |
Silvertip Landscaping (530) 587-7407 |
Rockwood Tree Service (530) 546-9999 |
Matt’s Yard Maintenance (530) 582-1977 |
Home Works (530) 412-1381 |
Cabin Keepers (530) 479-0102 |
Andy’s Defensible Space (530) 546-4335 |
A&A Construction Services (530) 550-9558 |
Truckee Defensible Space (530) 550-1273 |
Pisano Construction (530) 546-2371 |
Hall Tree Company (530) 320-8061 |
Bushwackers (530) 577-5322 |
Marmo Property Mgmt. Skye Allsop (530) 448-5123 |
Ruppert, Inc. Top Dog Timber (530) 582-9331 |
Acme Yard Services (530) 550-8100 |