The first Alpine Meadows Fire Safe Council meeting of the year just took place. Here is a quick update as to the Fire Safe Council’s plans thus far:
Memorial Day Clean-Up: They will be a few biomass dumpsters throughout the Valley over Memorial Day Weekend to encourage homeowners to work on their defensible space early this summer and clean up those yards! In the past Bear Creek Association (BCA) has provided dumpsters for the neighborhood. The Fire Safe Council is wondering if BCA would like to be involved in/considered for placement of a biomass dumpster this year through the Council?
Community Work/Education Day: On Saturday, July 10th there will be another community education and work day down near the stables. More information will be sent to BCA owners as it becomes available.
Chipping: North Tahoe Fire will be providing Free Chipping Services for all of Alpine Meadows! Homeowners need to call the Chip Line at (530) 546-4347 to get their property on the schedule. The North Tahoe Fire has split all its areas into zones (Alpine is zone 4 or 5) and each zone will have a week of chipping services provided at 4 different times throughout the summer (4 weeks total).
Defensible Space Inspections: There will not be blanket inspections in Alpine this year but homeowners can request an inspection by calling (530) 546-2212.